Lesson 13: Way to Communicate
Presented by Debbie Kent
Noah used a dove to get information he needed to know if it was safe to go out. In our day, most use cell phones. But during a disaster situation, even if cell phones are still working the circuits will quickly become overloaded and useless. In order for us to be able to communicate with our family, friends, neighbors, church units and others in an emergency situation, alternative methods must be used.
Noah used a dove to get information he needed to know if it was safe to go out. In our day, most use cell phones. But during a disaster situation, even if cell phones are still working the circuits will quickly become overloaded and useless. In order for us to be able to communicate with our family, friends, neighbors, church units and others in an emergency situation, alternative methods must be used.
These include: whistles; FRS or GMRS (walkie-talkie type radios); emergency radios where you can listen to news and amateur radios.
Level One: whistle (can be heard from afar); corded phone; cell phone battery charger
Level Two: Emergency radio (for listening); walkie-talkie type radios w/ extra batteries, map
Level Three: Amateur radio license and handheld Ham radio, extra batteries
Level Four: Mobile Ham radio unit, powerful antenna and alternative power sources.