Lesson 19: Don't Miss the Boat
“It is true that ominous clouds gather around us, but just as the Savior’s words brought peace to the Apostles in the boat, they bring peace to us today: “And when ye shall hear of wars and rumors of wars, be ye not troubled: for such things must needs be;
If ye are prepared ye shall not fear.”
Robert D. Hales, Liahona 2003
“I ask you earnestly, have you provided for your family a year’s supply of food, clothing, and, where possible, fuel? The revelation to produce and store food may be as essential to our temporal welfare today as boarding the ark was to the people in the days of Noah.” Ezra Taft Benson, Nov 1987
For Such a Time as This:
I believe that we were sent here to earth for “such a time as this”. We were sent to prepare ourselves and anyone who has ears to hear for the events that we have been looking forward to since the time of Adam and Eve, the Second Coming of Our Savior. What a glorious time that will be. But there is much to happen before that time. It will not be fun or easy, but if we follow the council of the Lord, through his Servants and the Spirit, if we DO what they ask us to do in getting spiritually and physically prepared, we will have no need to fear and I believe will find joy in the journey.
Please get your houses in order. Find a way to be prepared in all things. Get food storage and water, things for sanitation and shelter, first aid supplies and medicines, have things to light your way and cook your food and maybe even weapons to protect your families “when the dark things come out at night”. I hope I have given you some information to guide you in “Being Prepared in All things”. I hope you see and feel hope in this process. We are all at different levels, please don’t feel overwhelmed and give up. You can do this. We can do this:one step at a time, one level at a time until we are Prepared in all Things.
We need to stay close to the Lord every day if we are to survive the adversity that we all must face. If ever you are tempted to become discouraged or to lose faith…hold on a little longer. You can do this! You are part of a special generation. You were prepared and preserved to live at this important time in the existence of our beautiful planet earth. Know and remember this: the Lord loves you. He remembers you. And He will ever sustain those who “endure in faith to the end”. “Hold on a Little Longer” President Dieter F. Uchtdorf, Liahona, Jan.2010